
J. N. (Jocelyn Nigel)
b. 22 September 1929–d. 15 April 2020

8 publications between 1961 and 1985 indexed
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Works authored

Hillgarth, J. N., Visigothic Spain, Byzantium, and the Irish, Ashgate: Variorum Reprints, 1985.

Contributions to journals

Hillgarth, J. N., “Ireland and Spain in the seventh century”, Peritia 3 (1984): 1–16.
Hillgarth, J. N., “Visigothic Spain and early Christian Ireland”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 62 C (1962): 167–194.
Hillgarth, J. N., “The East, Visigothic Spain and the Irish”, Studia Patristica 4 (1961): 442–456.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Hillgarth, J. N., “Visigothic Spain and early Christian Ireland [1962]”, in: J. N. Hillgarth, Visigothic Spain, Byzantium, and the Irish, Ashgate: Variorum Reprints, 1985. VII, 167–194.
Hillgarth, J. N., “The East, Visigothic Spain and the Irish [1961]”, in: J. N. Hillgarth, Visigothic Spain, Byzantium, and the Irish, Ashgate: Variorum Reprints, 1985. VI, 442–456.
Hillgarth, J. N., “Ireland and Spain in the seventh century [1984]”, in: J. N. Hillgarth, Visigothic Spain, Byzantium, and the Irish, Ashgate: Variorum Reprints, 1985. VIII, 1–16.
Hillgarth, J. N., “Old Ireland and Visigothic Spain”, in: Robert E. McNally (ed.), Old Ireland, Dublin: Gill, 1965. 200–227.